Strong Back

Strong back is scientifically known as Bourreria ovata. This tree is found throughout the Caribbean in countries like The Bahamas. The leaves of Strong back are used in teas to treat digestion, fevers, colds and flu, nerves, pain, skin infections and inflammations, aphrodisiac teas.

Phytochemicals include:
  • bullety
    Phenolic Acid, Gentisic Acid and D-Limonene
Phytochemical benefits include:
  • bullety
    Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, food preservative, anti-diabetic ant-bacterial neuroprotective, cosmetics, fragrance and soaps.

Please consult your doctor before using Strong Back to treat any ailment. For more information on the benefits of Strong Back and specific information about the phytochemicals, read the full botanical research study conducted by The University of The Bahamas on Behalf of Bahamas Botanicals.

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