Damiana Leaves

Damiana is a wild shrub that is common in the Caribbean. It is scientifically known as turnera diffusa. The stem and leaves are used to make beverages such as teas, liquor, tequila and smoothies.  It is commonly used for medicinal purposes in the form of pills powders supplements and essential oils. In particular, it is used medicinally in The Bahamas and in the herbal industry as an aphrodisiac, stimulant, and for treating gastrointestinal issues.

  • bullety
    a-pinene*, Nonanal, linalool, eucalyptol Beta- Caryophyllene, alpha-terpineol, guaiol, cadinene, spathulenol and isoledene.
Phytochemical benefits:
  • bullety
    Anti-inflammatory, Anti-bacterial, flavoring agent, fragrance, antiviral, insect repellent, insecticide, digestion, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-cancer, perfumes, soap, cream, lotion

Please consult your doctor before using Damiana Leaves to treat any ailment.  For more information on the benefits of Damiana Leaves and specific information about the phytochemicals, read the full botanical research study conducted by The University of The Bahamas on Behalf of Bahamas Botanicals.

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