Cocoplum Leaves

Cocoplum, also called Pork-fat apple, is scientifically known as Chrysobalanus icaco. It is native to the Caribbean. The fruit can be used in jams and the leaves can be used in juices and teas. It can also be externally applied as a skin rub. The seed can be used for its oil.

Phytochemicals include:
  • bullety
    Nonanal, Quercetin, Kaempferol, oleanolic acid, Myricetin, Betulinic acid
Phytochemical benefits include:
  • bullety
    Digestion, antifungal, Cardioprotective, anticancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti- HIV

Please consult your doctor before using Cocoplum Leaves to treat any ailment.  For more information on the benefits of Cocoplum Leaves and specific information about the phytochemicals, read the full botanical research study conducted by The University of The Bahamas on Behalf of Bahamas Botanicals.

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