Almond Leaves 

Almond leaves is from the tree commonly known as West Indian almond or Indian almond tree and is scientifically known as terminalia catappa. The leaf possesses a number of phytochemicals that have shown potential benefits to human health both clinically or under laboratory conditions. The leave and fruit is used to make several beverages such as teas, milk, wine and rum. Non-beverage uses of almond leaves and fruit include oils, candies and chocolate, ice cream, cookies, bread mixes, dessert fillings, soups and stews.

Phytochemicals include:
  • bullety
    Nonanal, Tannin, Saponin, Quercetin, Betacyanin, Anthocyanins, Coumarins, Ursolic Acid, Chebulagic Acid, Gentisix Acid, Corilagin, Geraniin, Kaempferol, Punicalagin, Punicalin
Phytochemical benefits include:
  • bullety
    digestion, antifungal, clarifying usage for wine and beer, astringent, antiseptic, skin moisturizer, soap, lotion, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial,

Please consult your doctor before using Almond Leaves to treat any ailment.  For more information on the benefits of Almond Leaves and specific information about the phytochemicals, read the full botanical research study conducted by The University of The Bahamas on Behalf of Bahamas Botanicals.

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